Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU) was founded in 1928 and became a national organization in 1931. The Iota Omega Chapter of GTU was founded at Ball State University in 1968.

Members of GTU have met academic requirements and share a background and interest in geography. GTU chapter activities support geographical knowledge and awareness.

GTU membership is earned through superior scholarship; it is an honor and a professional distinction. Most chapters sponsor speakers, campus wide programs, field trips and social events, and participate in service functions.

The purposes of GTU are:

  • to further professional interest in geography
  • to strengthen student and professional training through academic experiences other than the classroom
  • to encourage student research and to provide and outlet for publication
  • to create or administer funds for furthering graduate study and/or research in geography
  • to encourage members to apply geographic knowledge and skills

How to Join

In order to become a member, students:

  • must have completed a minimum of three geography courses
  • have a GPA of at least 3.3 in geography courses
  • rank in the top 35 percent of their class
  • have completed at least 3 semesters or 5 quarters of college work