Center for Survivor Support

About Our Office

The Center for Survivor Support exists to give Ball State Students inclusive, survivor-centered support, through confidential advocacy. We respond to the impact of interpersonal violence and strive to create a community free from violence through education.

Survivor Services

Victim Advocacy

The Victim Advocate provides nonjudgmental, confidential support to student survivors of gender-based violence. Speaking with a Victim Advocate DOES NOT start a formal misconduct or criminal process unless you want to access those options. The Victim Advocate is trained to help students navigate options and services on campus and in the community.

Schedule an Appointment

Step In. Speak Up.

We're Here to Help

Contact our office with questions.

Center for Survivor Support

Health Center, Room 201
1500 W. Neely Avenue
Muncie, Indiana 47306

Monday- Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Summer Hours: 7:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
