What Exactly is Shared Governance?
This article from the Chronicle of Higher Education serves as a really good introduction to the shared governance concept, and is perfect for those just getting started with the governance system.
How To Make Shared Governance Work
This article talks about some of the best practices that institutions can implement to improve their governance systems. It highlights the need for effective communication and the necessity of including stakeholders of all kinds.
Showing Off Our Shared Governance Zoom Meeting
In March 2023, Ball State’s governance leaders participated in a public Zoom session to present on the governance system here at Ball State. The Chairs of Senate, Faculty Council and Professional Personnel Council all explained what their bodies do, how their membership is set up, and how they interact with other governance bodies. Committees and how to get involved are also discussed.
How to Run a Good Meeting
Continuously improving the quality of meetings and making sure that all meetings are useful, concise and inclusive is a major focus of the training we do for governance leaders. This article is highly recommended for committee chairs, council chairs and ex-officios
Meeting Today's Governance Challenges: A Synthesis of the Literature and Examination of a Future Agenda for Scholarship
This is a great summary of the scholarship on governance at institutions of higher education. It contains a chronological timeline of the development of the literature on the issue, which contains a lot of insight for anyone participating in governance at any level. It also discusses the approaches that have been used to study shared governance, highlighting the relative merits of each era of scholarship. Finally, it presents an agenda for the future of scholarship on shared governance, to show what we still don’t know and what is missing in the current body of work on the subject.
Shared Governance in Higher Education
This article breaks down a few elements of shared governance and takes a look at the trends at play in an age of great change in higher education. Its content is not designed to be an introduction to shared governance and associated concepts, but rather to analyze the various roadblocks to effective governance and the literature on how to alleviate them. The real highlight of this article is its appendix; there are lots of examples of effective governance, case studies and other really useful information.