Students sell advertising space for area businesses, explore video lab settings, and manage contacts with leading software at the Center for Professional Selling—a cutting-edge space dedicated to enhancing and promoting the field of professional selling. Our professional connections and active Pi Sigma Epsilon chapter equip students with a transformative, dynamic educational experience. 

Real-World Experience

You’ll work alongside faculty mentors and industry leaders through immersive, real-world projects and courses that inspire professional connections and deepen your understanding of professional selling, sales management and management, and related fields.

Sales Team

Students interested in sales and related fields are invited to join Ball State’s Sales Team, a dynamic group that competes in mock head-to-head and development role plays that challenge you to sell a product or service to a buyer. Recruiters, sales managers, human resource managers, and industry leaders judge these competitions, which equip you with confidence, expertise, and connections.

Career Opportunities

Our focus on real-world experience is matched with support, as our faculty mentors and expert staff work together to guide you throughout your academic journey. We look forward to helping you identify internships and job opportunities that align with your interests and aspirations. Learn more.