Looking for bright, driven graduates to take your business to the next level? Look no further. Our students are eager to apply the latest theories and real-world experiences to advance your reach and reputation.
We look forward to discussing ways you can connect with our students and recent graduates or partner with the center on a project to achieve solutions for your business. Contact the Center for Professional Selling at salescenter@bsu.edu or call 765-285-5136, to attend the Sales Career Fair or judge a sales competition—two of the best ways to interact with top students.
The center hosts the largest annual Sales Career Fair with more than 70 companies and 300 students and alumni connecting about jobs and internships. Our students are considered 12-18 months ahead of most new hires, so employers often find valuable additions to their teams. Many connections made at the fair lead to longtime careers and partnerships. Learn more.
Each Fall and Spring Semesters, the Ball State Sales Team competes in mock head-to-head and development role plays. Each student competitor has 15 minutes to sell a product or service to a buyer, who is leader in the industry.
In September 2024, students at Ball State University will take place in the 5th annual, internal sales competition aimed at identifying student winners who will represent Ball State University at national level sales competitions. Learn more.
Registered recruiters receive resumes from Ball State students prior to the career fair for early consideration. Booths payments directly support student opportunities/competitions through the Sales Center. Interested? Email salescenter@bsu.edu to receive email updates about events, including the Sales Career Fair and other networking events.
Sales Center Partnerships
Gain access to the best and brightest students through partnership with the center. Companies can select an annual partnership to support students through scholarships, experiential learning, and networking. Both partnership opportunities open doors to participate throughout the year, which allows you to build meaningful relationships with students.
Companies that participate can:
- receive resume books
- speak to professional selling classes
- participate in the largest annual Sales Career Fair
- participate as a judge in the Internal Sales Competition
- recognition on all promotional materials
- join the Sales Advisory Board
- many other recognition and participation opportunities
Contact the center at cawilkey@bsu.edu for more information on this year's partnership levels and benefits.
2024-2025 Sales Center Partners:
- Aegis WorldWide (Gold Partner)
- Total Plastics (Gold Partner)
- CED (Gold Parter)
- Enterprise (Gold Partner)
- Jasper Engines (Silver Partner)
- NIBCO (Silver Partner)
- Northwestern Mutual (Silver Partner)
- OneAmerica (Silver Partner)
- Indiana Oxygen (Bronze Partner)
- Sherwin Williams (Bronze Partner)
- SPOT Freight (Bronze Partner)
- Priority Risk (Bronze Partner)
- First Merchants (Bronze Partner)
- Northedge Steel (Bronze Partner)
- Penske (Bronze Partner)
- Scotlynn (Bronze Partner)