Tuesday, October 29, 2024
10 a.m.
People viewing art in the Ned and Gloria Griner GalleryStill/Moving is an exhibition offering a historical perspective between still and moving images by showing a progression between analog film, digital video, electronic lens-based media and new media technologies. Free and open to the public.
12 p.m.
Learn more about Ball State's Master of Public Administration (MPA) program during this webinar.
2 p.m.
Join Mr. Steve Reed on Zoom to learn more about Faculty Success.
3 p.m.
By attending this event you will hear from the program directors about the programs they direct, you will be able to ask any questions you have at the end of the meeting. You can use this session to wave your application fee.
3 p.m.
Calendar: Graduate School
This workshop focuses on respectability politics and ways to show authentically in the academy while holding intersecting identities.