Tuesday, November 19, 2024
10 a.m.
Curious about copyright and fair use in music performance and research? Attend this workshop to learn when and how you can use library scores, how to properly excerpt and attribute within your musical publications, and if you’re within your legal rights to sample or use background tracks. Whatever your professional aspirations in music, abiding by copyright is an essential component.
10 a.m.
Still/Moving is an exhibition offering a historical perspective between still and moving images by showing a progression between analog film, digital video, electronic lens-based media and new media technologies. Free and open to the public.
12 p.m.
Students who registered for the 3MT Competition will participate in a preliminary round to determine the top 10 finalists!
2 p.m.
Unleash the power of effective communication! Learn and hone vital strategies to become a compelling speaker.