Monday, January 27, 2025
10 a.m.
Interested in how you can integrate creativity, environmental care, social justice, technology, and place-making? Join the Department of Landscape Architecture (College of Architecture & Planning) for a virtual information session for prospective graduate students interested in the dynamic and exciting discipline of landscape architecture!
12 p.m.
Calendar: Career Center
Critical thinking and teamwork are consistently ranked as two of the top skills employers look for in interns and new hires. In this highly interactive session, you will develop and utilize critical thinking strategies to solve a problem.
12 p.m.
Whether you are new to campus or are looking for a refresher this session will help you get oriented to finding and using resources in the Architecture Library. We’ll cover navigating the library space, finding books in the library, exploring the print magazine collection, and options for getting help using the library and library resources.