Tuesday, January 28, 2025
10 a.m.

The School of Art is proud to present Object as Conceptual Workbook, an exhibition by Michael Lorsung and Duane McDiarmid.
12 p.m.

Whether you are new to campus or are looking for a refresher this session will help you get oriented to finding and using resources in the Architecture Library. We’ll cover navigating the library space, finding books in the library, exploring the print magazine collection, and options for getting help using the library and library resources.
3 p.m.
Learn about a variety of opportunities to get involved on campus. The focus will be on Miller College of Business organizations. Join us in the Whitinger Building hallways.
4 p.m.
Join us for a virtual session to explore the Master of Urban Design (MUD) program, a one-year, STEM-designated post-professional degree focused on public-centered interdisciplinary urban design.
4 p.m.
Led by Dr. Scott Hall, this workshop explores the value of genuinely seeking to understand differing, often polarizing perspectives and includes ideas for how to help students experience and learn from such an exploration.
7 p.m.
Register below to attend a webinar about Ball State Online's doctorate programs in Elementary Education.