Wednesday, November 15, 2023
12 a.m.

7:30 p.m. | Emens Auditorium
1 p.m.

Join Dr. Alex Tatum, Associate Professor of Psychology, in the Department of Counseling Psychology, Social Psychology and Counseling, as he delves into his research on understanding partisan differences in psychological entitlement and self-conscious.. emotions.
2 p.m.

GIS Day will be celebrated around the world on Wednesday, November 15. This is a day to celebrate geographic information systems (GIS) based technology. GIS-based technology allows us to analyze information to help make informed decisions to create a positive impact through our work. GIS software is utilized by professionals in a remarkable variety of fields, from accounting to zoology, and it is used by organizations of every type such as academia, corporations, not-for-profits, and local to federal governments. GIS technology also includes Esri’s web-based application ArcGIS StoryMaps. This app is used to create media enriched narratives.
7:30 p.m.

The Campus Band and Campus Orchestra are student ensembles led by doctoral and graduate student conductors. Tickets available for purchase in person or online through the College of Fine Arts Box Office starting August 1. This concert will also be livestreamed.