Start: November 15, 2023 1 p.m.
End: November 15, 2023 2 p.m.
Location: HB 103

Join the College of Health a we highlight the research of our faculty members across the college.

These in-person presentations will allow attendees to get the highlights of multiple research areas across our 7 academic units, and allow time for question and answer and thoughtful discussion of current research and future projects.

This session will be held in HB 103

Toward an Understanding of Partisan Differences in Psychological Entitlement and Self-concious Emotions.

This presentation will examine psychological differences between Democratic and Republican voters from the 2020 election. Specifically, this research will explore associations between a person’s voting preference, an innate sense of entitlement, and the self-conscious emotions of shame proneness, guilt proneness, and blame externalization.

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Alex Tatum is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Counseling Psychology, Social Psychology, and Counseling. He is a licensed psychologist and AASECT Certified Sex Therapist who researches factors that promote positive relationship and sexual health outcomes for sexual and gender minority populations. He is also interested in relationship systems characterized by poor communication and negative sentiment override in times of conflict.