Ball State College of Fine Arts logo with image of Beneficence and "We Fly" slogan above logo
Start: November 3, 2023 3 p.m.
End: November 3, 2023 7 p.m.
Location: Music Instruction Building
Contact Details
Jon Truitt

About the Event

The INASTA High School Orchestra Invitational will take place on November 3 and 4, 2023 at Ball State University. The process will run similar to the ASTA National Orchestra Festival.  In three 25-minute segments, each orchestra will receive a warm-up time, performance time (two pieces of director’s choice), and a clinic with one adjudicator after their performance.  An effort will be made to have each orchestra attend at least one other orchestra’s performance. Lunch and travel plans will be at the discretion of the directors. Specific performing time and instructions will be available as soon as possible after the application deadline.