The Diversity Associates Program partners faculty members with faculty mentors to develop and implement projects that focus on one or more of the following areas:

  • race
  • ethnicity
  • socioeconomic status
  • national origin
  • disability
  • gender
  • sexual identity
  • age
  • religious viewpoints

Expected outcomes typically take one of the following form:

  • Disseminate research or creative endeavors, e.g. conference proposal submission, article submission, placement of creative work, grant submission, etc.
  • Develop a plan, and take initial steps, for implementing inclusive pedagogy in an upcoming semester or mentor undergraduate research regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion that leads to dissemination
  • Develop a plan, and take initial steps, for a service project, e.g. diversity dialogue, community engagement

Apply to the Program, applications accepted each fall semester

Use this link to apply



If you have questions about the program, contact Dr. David W. Concepcion.

2023-2024 Diversity Associates