The 2025-2030 Strategic Plan for Ball State University

The University has begun the process of building upon Destination 2040: Our Flight Path by developing the next iteration of our strategic plan. This refreshed plan will be created under the guidance and leadership of a strategic planning committee whose members were selected by President Geoffrey S. Mearns in Spring 2024.

As a key milestone in this process, the committee has developed a proposed draft of the strategic plan, informed by valuable input from our University community.

Thank you to the community for your input, participation, and contributions.

2019-2024 Strategic Plan

Since January 2019, Destination 2040: Our Flight Path has served as Ball State University’s strategic framework for our bright future. We continue to implement this plan, with measurable progress made annually toward each of the plan’s five major goals. For the time being, these goals remain at the forefront of our comprehensive, coordinated commitment to our students, to our alumni, and to the communities that we serve.


Our Mission

We engage students in educational, research, and creative endeavors that empower our graduates to have fulfilling careers and meaningful lives enriched by lifelong learning and service, while we enhance the economic, environmental, and social vitality of our community, our state, and our world.

Our Enduring Values

Excellence. We commit to excel in all that we do.

Innovation. We commit to be creative, responsive, and progressive.

Courage. We commit to set ambitious goals and to take the risks necessary to achieve those goals.

Integrity. We commit to be honest, ethical, authentic, and accessible.

Inclusiveness. We commit to respect and embrace equity, inclusion, and diversity in people, ideas, and opinions.

Social responsibility. We commit to act for the benefit of society at large.

Gratitude. We commit to express appreciation to others and to demonstrate our gratitude through our actions.

Goal 1: Undergraduate Excellence and Innovation

Our University provides a premier on-campus undergraduate experience.

Goal 2: Graduate Education and Lifetime Learning

Our University expands its reach and impact along the continuum of human development and is nationally recognized for serving graduate students and other adults throughout their lifetime educational journey and for our agility in anticipating and responding to workforce needs.

Goal 3: Community Engagement and Impact

As a community-engaged institution, our University is internationally recognized for mobilizing and leading partnerships that revitalize and sustain our city and our region.

Goal 4: Scholarship and Societal Impact

As a public research institution, our University recruits and retains outstanding faculty and staff who engage in scholarship —of discovery, integration, application, and teaching—that garners national and international recognition, attracts external resources, and improves lives.

Goal 5: Institutional and Inclusive Excellence

Our University is distinguished for institutional effectiveness and inclusive excellence across all dimensions of our work and for having a positive and vibrant culture of wellbeing that helps our faculty and staff lead engaged and meaningful lives.