students in TEACH Lab

Quick Facts

  • Delivery: Blended: On Campus and Online
  • Credits: 120
  • Licenses for Exceptional Needs: Mild Interventions K-6
  • Dual Major Option: Early Childhood Education

Ball State's teaching major in Exceptional Needs: Early Childhood Special Education prepares you for a fulfilling career working with infants and toddlers with exceptionalities.

As a graduate, you will be prepared to work in preschools, developmental centers, and agency-based programs serving young children with disabilities. Included in the early childhood major is coursework that leads to a teaching license in Mild Interventions (K-6).

In addition to rigorous coursework, our program emphasizes real-world field experience and culminates in a student teaching experience completed in two different settings, early childhood and mild interventions (K-6).

What You Will Learn

As part of our comprehensive special education program, you will learn theory and practices in early childhood special education, assessment of children with exceptional needs, teaching methods for mild interventions, and more.

You will also:

  • work with a variety of learners
  • administer and interpret norm-referenced and criterion-referenced assessments
  • make the connection between assessment and instruction
  • be prepared for Response to Intervention (RtI), Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and progress monitoring

Program Benefits

Our program includes intensive field experiences in a variety of settings. Most courses immerse students in practicum or service learning opportunities, culminating in exciting student teaching options that include Ramstein, Germany, and Aldine Independent School District in Houston, Texas.

Our special education program in Exceptional Needs: Early Childhood Special Education is nationally recognized by the Council for Exceptional Children and Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation.

Our faculty have extensive real-world experiences in their respective areas of expertise including classroom teaching, clinical supervision, public school administration, program development, and consultation.

Department Scholarships

On top of the dozens of scholarships the university offers its students, our department gives awards every year to its own students to recognize them for their achievements. Learn more.


For questions about our progams, get in touch with us!

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Take the Next Step

If you’d like to learn more about our Dual Major in Early Childhood and Special Education, please contact us. Or one of the best ways to get a true feel for Ball State is to see it for yourself, so schedule a visit today! And if you’re ready to apply, review our admission requirements and complete our online application.

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