Start: March 14, 2024 1 p.m.
End: March 14, 2024 2 p.m.
Location: HB 205

Join the College of Health for this faculty research presentation.

Development of a Physical Activity Screener for Community & Clinical Practice

Despite the significant efforts and investments to promote physical activity, less than one-quarter (24.2%) of U.S. adults engage in regular physical activity. The consequences of physical inactivity (PI) on the mind and body are severe, and these effects are exacerbated when PI is coupled with aging or comorbidities. This presentation will cover the development of a new valid and reliable physical activity screening questionnaire that quickly assesses individual physical activity levels as a vital sign. Furthermore, the design steps used to develop an understandable and actionable tool to accommodate participants with limited health literacy will be discussed. Finally, the processes of implementing the Self-Determination Theory to engage users in the behavior change process will be addressed. This translational research project is a collaboration between the Public Health and the Adult Fitness Programs in the College of Health. 

Featured Speaker:

Dr. Jerome Kotecki is a Professor of Public Health in the Department of Nutrition and Health Science. His current translational research focuses on implementing Lifestyle Medicine to address chronic disease prevention and management.