Topics: Alumni, Foundation, Muncie

October 14, 2021

2019 Homecoming parade

Ball State University is celebrating 95 years of Homecoming next week, with festivities beginning Monday, Oct. 18, through the Cardinal football team’s Oct. 23 home matchup against rival Miami University at Scheumann Stadium.

The theme for this year’s Homecoming is “Fly Your Way Back Home,” an appropriate sentiment after the challenges of the past couple years, according to Michelle Johnson, Director of Alumni Engagement, Student, Young Alumni, and Athletics Programs at the Ball State University Foundation.

“We are excited to welcome our Cardinals back to campus for a much-needed week of fun and exciting in-person events and traditions,” Ms. Johnson said. “We would like to thank our Alumni Association and our student-run Homecoming Steering Committee for all their hard work to bring together new and familiar faces alike as we celebrate our Ball State pride.”

This Fall’s Homecoming Week schedule is as follows:

Monday, October 18
• 6:00 p.m.: Homecoming Village Food Truck Festival on the corner of Martin Street and Ashland Avenue

Tuesday, October 19
• 7:30 p.m.: Talent Search at Pruis Hall (or visit our YouTube channel and watch for a replay of this event)

Wednesday, October 20
• 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.: Homecoming Blood Drive: Schedule a time online to donate blood in the Pruis Hall lobby
• 4:00 p.m.: Alumni Virtual Panel via Zoom—a live webinar for alumni, by alumni, to learn ways to stay involved and engaged. Register for the link.

Thursday, October 21
• 7:30 p.m.: Air Jam at Emens Auditorium (or visit our YouTube channel and watch for a replay of this event)

Friday, October 22
• 11:00 a.m.: Homecoming Alumni & Friends Golf Outing at The Players Club. Registration is open.
• Noon: Bed Race on Riverside Avenue (or catch the live stream on Ball State’s social media pages)

Saturday, October 23
• 9:45 a.m.: Chase Charlie 5k Run/Walk starting at City Hall
• 10:00 a.m.: Homecoming Parade starting at Muncie Central High School through the Village and campus
• 1:30 p.m.: CharlieTown outside of the Alumni Center
• 3:30 p.m.: Ball State vs. Miami at Scheumann Stadium

The student Homecoming Steering Committee planned the week’s events under the direction of Alumni Association advisers. For more information, visit or contact the Homecoming office at 765-285-1083 or