The Ball State University chapter of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) was recently named the 2023–2024 Collegiate Chapter of the Year by the Indiana Music Education Association (IMEA). The prestigious honor recognizes the chapter’s outstanding efforts in membership, service, advocacy, and professional development during the 2023–2024 academic year.

Although the award was presented in early 2025, it is based on chapter activities completed during the previous academic year. Chapters are selected through a competitive, blind-review process led by staff in NAfME’s collegiate office. Each application details the chapter’s efforts in recruiting, member engagement, event planning, community service, and advocacy.

Ball State’s NAfME chapter stood out for its wide-ranging programming and student-led leadership. The group hosted a variety of social and professional development events for music education majors, while also coordinating impactful service projects and advocacy initiatives that supported music education locally and beyond.

“The MUSE faculty are extremely proud of all the work our students have done to earn this well-deserved recognition,” said Dr. Kevin Gerrity, professor and coordinator of music education at Ball State. “They have spent countless hours planning professional development opportunities for all of our music education students and organizing several advocacy initiatives and service projects.”

Violet Key, president of NAfME at Ball State, accepted the award during Collegiate Night at the 2025 IMEA Conference. The plaque is now proudly displayed on the fourth floor of the Hargreaves Music Building—known as the MUSE Floor—where students gather for coursework, rehearsals, and collaboration.

Ball State’s music education program prepares students for fulfilling careers as K–12 music educators. With immersive experiences, mentorship from dedicated faculty, and opportunities like NAfME involvement, students graduate ready to lead and inspire in classrooms across the country.