Facilities Engineering is responsible for building needs assessments, coordinating electrical and mechanical system design and operation and overseeing construction projects on campus.

Areas within Facilities Engineering:
The electrical engineering area is responsible for the design and operation of all electrical infrastructure on campus and installation of all fiber optics. Staff in this area includes an electrical engineer, communications specialist, an energy control center technician, and a design drafter that also works with the mechanical engineering area.
The mechanical engineering area is responsible for the design and operation of all mechanical systems on campus. Staff in this area includes a mechanical engineer and a design drafter that also works with the electrical engineering area.
The facilities assessment area is responsible for developing long-range repair, rehabilitation, and replacement plans for building components such as roofs, elevators, heating and ventilating equipment.

Heat & Chill Plants

Central Chill Plant

The Central Chill Plant was constructed in 1966. Today the Chill Plants five chillers provide air conditioning and dehumidification for over 3,000,000 square feet of facilities. the Chill plant can produce approximately 2,400,000 tons of cooling during peak time periods.

Heat Plant

Ball State's first central heating plant was built in 1924. The plant currently houses seven boilers that provide steam for heating, domestic hot water, cooking, laundry, and sterilization of surgical instruments for the University and Ball Memorial Hospital.

The Heat Plant utilizes coal, natural gas, and #2 fuel oil to furnish steam at a maximum rated capacity of 270,000 pounds per hour.