We welcome you and invite you to become an immersive learning partner!
You might be wondering who can partner with immersive learning classes. And can my organization be a community partner?
Immersive learning partners are:
Most often, an organization in the Delaware County community, like a nonprofit, groups,
small businesses, social service organizations, neighborhood associations, government agencies, and more.
Immersive learning partners may also be a campus entity, an organization located around the state of Indiana, throughout the country or elsewhere around the globe.
Immersive learning community partners have an issue or challenge they’d like to address with the help of Ball State students and faculty. Partners share the issue or challenge with the students and faculty and commit to working collaboratively to create an outcome that addresses the issue.
Immersive learning partners are:
You may also be wondering what I am responsible for doing as an immersive partner.
Communication is necessary for immersive learning partnerships to flourish. Everyone has an essential role in crafting the partnership and should engage in open communication and be flexible as any changing circumstances arise.
Immersive learning partners collaborate with faculty and student teams to address a challenge your organization is having and work with you toward creating a tangible solution for your issue
Immersive learning partners are co-teachers and collaborate with faculty and students in mutually beneficial ways. All partners are interested in each other’s shared goals and success for students, faculty, and partners in learning, growing, and finding a solution to the problem that the organization is facing.
Have Questions?
Contact the Immersive Learning office so we can help at immersive@bsu.edu or use this form.