Welcome to Watermark Curriculum Strategy (formerly SmartCatalog)!

Watermark Curriculum Strategy (formerly SmartCatalog) is our curriculum and course management software that enables digital catalog production and electronic workflows for curriculum revisions.  Please note that the company recently changed the product name from SmartCatalog to Curriculum Strategy, but there are no changes to functionality and you may continue to see both names used during the transition.

                                                     Watermark Curriculum Strategy

Watermark Curriculum Strategy (formerly SmartCatalog) can be accessed through this dashboard using your BSU user name and password. If you are not able to access Watermark Curriculum Strategy (formerly SmartCatalog), or would like individualized training on the program, contact the Curriculum Coordinator at catalog@bsu.edu.

Curriculum Change Process

SmartCatalog Overview Presentation (from initial implementation)

Curriculum Strategy Workflow

FAQs: Curriculum Strategy Forms

Delivery Method Definitions and FAQs

Guidelines for Curriculum and Catalog Changes