At the core of the CAP: INDY mission is education. The off-campus, urban location provides an active laboratory for graduate students in Ball State's R. Wayne Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning. CAP: INDY works to partner campus-based design studios with Indianapolis-based projects to provide real-world immersive learning opportunities. 

CAP: INDY is home to the master of urban design program--an interdisciplinary program exploring the physical design and development of cities. Our sponsored graduate assistantship program provides these graduate students with an additional immersive learning opportunity by having them work part-time for a firm or organization while pursuing their graduate studies. Contact Joe Blalock or download more information. The March 27 information session has been canceled

The master of architecture program develops a student’s capacity for creative, cumulative and critical thinking, design literacy, and the lifelong cultivation of design. Ball State offers two options for completing the master of architecture (M.Arch) professional degree which is for students who seek licensure in the profession and is accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). A three-year curriculum plan is available for students with any undergraduate degree wishing to pursue a M.Arch and a two year degree plan is available for students with an undergraduate, pre-professional degree in architecture. Our unique program provides the opportunity to live, work, and learn in two contrasting cities—the large vibrant urban environment of Indianapolis counter-balanced with the small rust belt city of Muncie. You will spend two semesters in each city. The two-year option begins with a rigorous academic experience at CAP: INDY and is coupled with the Indianapolis Professional Internship Initiative, providing students with exemplary architectural office experience. The final year of the program is staged in Muncie where you will find complex, interdisciplinary issues to explore, community engagement opportunities to engage (a hallmark of your BSU education), and creative prospects for your self-selected, intellectually and independently focused final project thesis inquiry. Contact Pam Harwood or download more information.