In 1986, Ball State University founded the Institute for Wellness. The proposal for the development of this Institute included the following two primary objectives:

  • To promote scholarship and interdisciplinary research in wellness-related academic disciplines
  • To benefit the health and well-being of all citizens of the state of Indiana and the country.

In 1992, the Institute for Gerontology was reorganized as the Center for Gerontology and was joined with the Institute for Wellness.

In 1993, the Institute was renamed the John and Janice Fisher Institute for Wellness to recognize and honor these two prominent members of the Muncie community who contributed significantly to Ball State University.

In 1998, the Center for Gerontology was moved to the Institute location and Gerontology merged with the Fisher Institute for Wellness. The unit was renamed the John and Janice Fisher Institute for Wellness and Gerontology and became an academic department within the College of Applied Sciences and Technology.

In 2013, the Applied Gerontology and Wellness Management graduate programs were moved to the School of Physical Education, Sport, and Exercise Science (now the School of Kinesiology) and the former academic department within the College of Applied Sciences and Technology was dissolved.

In 2015, the Institute was renamed the John and Janice Fisher Institute of Health and Well-Being and joined the new College of Health at Ball State University in July of 2016.