The following research reports are from the Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise National Database ("FRIEND Registry"), of which the Fisher Institute of Health and Well-Being at Ball State University serves as the FRIEND Core Data Coordinating Center.
- Peterman JE, Arena R, Myers J, Ades PA, Bonikowske AR, Harber MP, Marzolini S, Savage PD, Squires RW, Lavie CJ, Kaminsky LA. A non-exercise prediction of peak oxygen consumption for patients with cardiovascular disease: Data from the Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise International Database (FRIEND). J Cardiopulm Rehab Prev. 2022; In press.
- Peterman JE, Arena R, Myers J, Harber MP, Bonikowske AR, Squires RW, Kaminsky LA. Reference standards for peak rating of perceived exertion during cardiopulmonary exercise testing: Data from FRIEND. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2022; In press.
- Kaminsky LA, Arena R, Myers J, Peterman JE, Bonikowske AR, Harber MP, Medina Injosa, JR, Lavie, CL, Squires RW. Updated Reference Standards for Cardiorespiratory Fitness Measured with Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing. Data from the Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise National Database (FRIEND). Mayo Clin Proc. 2022: 97(2): 285-293.
- Franklin BA, Arena R, Kaminsky LA, Peterman JE, Kokkinos P, Myers J. Maximizing the Cardioprotective Benefits of Exercise with Age-, Sex- and Fitness-Adjusted Target Intensities for Training. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2022; 29(1): e1-e3.
- Busque V, Myers J, Arena R, Kaminsky LA, Peterman JE. Peak circulatory power during maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing: Reference standards from the FRIEND registry. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2022; 54(11): 1919-1924.
- Myers J, de Souza e Silva CG, Arena R, Kaminsky LA, Christle JW, Busque V, Ashley E, Moneghetti K. Comparison of the FRIEND and Wasserman-Hansen equations in predicting outcomes in heart failure. J Am Heart Assoc. 2021; 10(21): e021246.
- Peterman JE, Arena R, Myers J, Marzolini S, Ades P, Savage P, Lavie CL, Kaminsky LA. Reference Standards for Cardiorespiratory Fitness by Cardiovascular Disease Category and Testing Modality: Data from the Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise International Database (FRIEND). J Am Heart Assoc. 2021: 10(22): e022336.
- Nevill AM, Myers J, Kaminsky LA, Arena R. Comments on "validation of equations to estimate the peak oxygen uptake in adolescents from 20 metres shuttle run test." J Sport Sci 39(8):900-902, 2021
- Hedman K, Kaminsky LA, Sabbahi A, Arena R, Myers J. Low but not high exercise systolic blood pressure is associated with long-term all-cause mortality. BMJ Open Sport & Exerc Med. 2021: 7:e001106.
- Arena, R, Myers J, Harber MP, Phillips SA, Severin R, Ozemek C, Peterman JE, Kaminsky LA. The VE/VCO2 slope during maximal treadmill cardiopulmonary exercise testing: reference standards from FRIEND (Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise: An International Database). J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2021; 41(3):194-198.
- Peterman JE, Arena R, Myers J, Marzolini S, Ross, R, Lavie CJ, Wisloff U, Stensvold D, Kaminsky LA. Development of Global Reference Standards for Directly Measured Cardiorespiratory Fitness: A Report from the Fitness Registry and Importance of Exercise National Database. Mayo Clin Proc. 95(2):255-264, 2020.
- Nevill AM, Myers J, Kaminsky LA, Arena R, Myers TD. Comparing individual and population differences in minute ventilation/carbon dioxide production slopes using centile growth curves and log-linear allometry. ERJ Open Research. 2021, 7: 00088-2021; DOI: 10.1183/23120541.00088-2021
Kokkinos, P., Kaminsky, L.A., Arena, R., Myers, J., Kraus, W., Franklin, B., Triantafyllidi, H., Whellan, D., Zhang, J. (2020). New Equations for Predicting Maximum Oxygen Uptake in Patients with Heart Failure. Am J Cardiol, 128, 7-11.
- Arena, R., Myers, J., Harber, M. P., Wisloff, U., Stensvold, D., Kaminsky, L. A. Peak Oxygen Pulse Responses During Maximal Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing: Reference Standards from FRIEND (Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise: An International Database). Int J Cardiol, 301, 180-182, 2020.
- Vainshelboim, B, Arena, R, Kaminsky, L. A., Myers, J. Reference Standards for Ventilatory Threshold Measured With Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing The Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise: A National Database. Chest, 128, 159: 1531-1537, 2020.
- Nevill AM, Myers J, Kaminsky LA, Arena R. Improving reference equations for cardiorespiratory fitness using multiplicative allometric rather than additive linear models: The Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise National Database (FRIEND). Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 2019; 62(6): 515-521.
- Kaminsky, L.A., Myers, J., Arena, R. Determining Cardiorespiratory Fitness with Precision:Compendium of Findings From the FRIEND Registry. Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 62(1): 76-82. 2019.
Chiaranda G, Myers J, Arena R, Kaminsky LA, Sassone B., Pasanisi G, Mandini S, Mazzoniu G, Grazzi G. Prognostic comparison of the FRIEND and Wasserman/Hansen pek VO2 equations applied to a submaximal walking test in outpatients with cardiovascular disease. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2021; 28(3): 287-292.
- de Souza e Silva CG, Kaminsky LA, Arena R, Christle J, Araujo CGS, Lima RM, Ashley EM, Myers J. A Reference Equation for Maximal Aerobic Power for Treadmill and Cycle Ergometer Exercise Testing: Analysis from the FRIEND Registry. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 25(7): 742-750, 2018.
- Kaminsky LA, Harber MP, Imboden MT, Arena R, Myers J. Peak Ventilation Reference Standards from Exercise Testing: From the FRIEND Registry. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 50:2603-2608, 2018.
- Kokkinos, P.K., Kaminsky, L.A., Arena, R., Zhang, J., Myers, J. A New Generalized Cycle Ergometry Equation for Predicting Maximal Oxygen Uptake: The Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise National Database (FRIEND). Eur J Prev Cardiol. 25:1077-1082, 2018.
- Moneghetti KJ, Hock J, Kaminsky LA, Arena R, Haddad F, Wheeler M, Froelicher V, Ashley E, Myers J, Christle JW. Applying Current Normative Data to Prognosis in Heart Failure: The Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise National Database (FRIEND) Intl J Cardiol. In press, 2018.
- Kaminsky, L.A., Imboden, M.T., Ross, A., Myers, J. (2017). Reference standards for cardiorespiratory fitness measured with cardiopulmonary exercise testing using cycle ergometry: Data from the Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise National Database. Mayo Clin Proc. 92:228-233, 2017.
- Christle JW, Moneghetti KJ, Myers J. Normal values for cardiorespiratory fitness: 45 years after Bruce. J Clin Ex Physiol, 2017;6:59-60.
- Sabbini, A., Arena, R., Kaminsky, L.A., Myers, J., Phillips, SA, Peak blood pressure responses during maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing: Reference Standards from FRIEND (Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise National Database). Hypertension. 2018 Feb;71(2):229-236. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.117.10116.
- Kokkinos, P.K., Kaminsky, L.A., Arena, R., Zhang, J., Myers, J. New Generalized Equation for Predicting Maximal Oxygen Uptake: The FRIEND Registry. Am J Cardiol. 2017 Aug 15;120(4):688-692. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2017.05.037
- Myers, J., Kaminsky, L.A., Lima, R., Christie, J.W., Ashley, E., Arena, R. A Reference Equation for Normal Standards for VO2 Max: Analysis from the Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise National Database Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 2017 Jun - Jul;60(1):21-29. doi: 10.1016/j.pcad.2017.03.002.
- Henriques, J., Carvalho, P., Rocha, T., Paredes, S., Cabiddu, R., Trimer, R., Mendes, R., Borghi- Silva, A., Kaminsky, L., Ashley, E., Arena, R., Myers, J. A non-exercise based V02max prediction using FRIEND dataset with a Neural Network. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2017 Jul;2017:4203-4206. doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2017.8037783.
- Baynard, T., Arena, R., Myers, J. Kaminsky, L. The Role of Body Habitus in Predicting Cardiorespiratory Fitness: The FRIEND Registry. Intl. J. Sports Med. 2016 Oct;37(11):863-9.
- Arena R, Kaminsky LA, Myers J. Revisiting age-predicted maximal heart rate: Can it be used as a valid measure of effort? Am Heart J. 2016;173:49-56.
- Kaminsky LA, Arena R, Myers J. Reference standards for cardiorespiratory fitness measured with cardiopulmonary exercise testing: Data from the Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise National Database (FRIEND registry). Mayo Clin Proc. 2015;90:1515-1523.
- Kaminsky LA, Arena R, Beckie TM, Brubaker PH, Church TS, Forman DE, Franklin BA, Gulati M, Lavie CL, Myers J, Patel MJ, Pina IL, Weintraub WS, Williams MA. The importance of cardiorespiratory fitness in the United States: The need for a national registry. A Policy Statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2013;127:652-662.