Connect with your peers, network with leading professionals, and take part in meaningful service as part of one of our range of diverse professional, community, and campus organizations.
Most useful for second- through fifth-year students enrolled in the Department of Architecture, the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) is open to students of all majors. Since 1956, the organization has served as an official voice of students to the educational system and the profession. Learn more.
Landscape architecture students will want to join this organization for both educational and social activities and to learn more about the profession. Learn more.
Make professional contacts in the field of historic preservation, give preservation a boost in the broader community, and take part in enhanced educational experiences and opportunities. Learn more.
Construction Management Student Organization (CMSO)
The purpose of this organization shall be to inform members and expand their knowledge of construction management related practices through organized events. Members of this organization will have the opportunity to participate in construction related field experiences and interact with professionals in the building industry.
Emerging Green Builders integrates students and professionals into the green building movement, to create a network of emerging green building leaders, and to develop opportunity involvement through the U.S. Green Building Council to further generate momentum for the green building industry. Learn more.
Freedom by Design
This is an outreach initiative of the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) local chapter. Members share their skills and energy to help elderly or low-income Muncie residents who have difficulty getting around in their homes, improving entrances, widening doorways, adding accessible features to bathrooms, and the like. For more information, contact the Department of Architecture.
Glue (Student-run Architecture Journal)
“Glue” is an annual nonprofit student journal produced and managed by students in the Department of Architecture. For more information, contact the Department of Architecture.
Students play a key role in the activities of the Greater Muncie, Indiana Habitat for Humanity, which organizes trips to work on projects across the country and elsewhere. Learn more or email us.
Interior Design Alliance (IDA)
The interior design student organization, Interior Design Alliance (IDA), is the student connection to the professional world of interior design and an outlet to develop close-knit relationships with fellow peers. A membership in IDA allows students to explore the concepts, theories and practices valued by interior design professionals. Join IDA and network with fellow students, faculty and professionals working in the field of interior design and other design related industries. IDA activities include attending local and regional American Society of Interior Designers, International Interior Design Association, National Kitchen and Bath Association, The Hospitality Industry Network, Retail Design Institute meetings as well as participation in field trips to interior design industry events, on campus lunch-and-learns from various product representatives, organizing and participating in fundraising activities to benefit the Interior Design Program, hosting and participating in events with a variety of other Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning (ECAP) organizations such as Construction Management and Architecture organizations and the annual CAPathon. Follow IDA on Instagram: BallStateIDA
Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA)
MCAA is established to engage the construction management students with mechanical contractors across USA and provide more hands-on experience in the mechanical construction industry. It is a platform for the students to know more about the scope of work of this critical specialty area, participate in activities including field trips and conferences and work on the annual MCAA competition that involves preparing a full proposal for a real project.
National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA)
NECA is established to offer the construction management students the opportunity to explore the electrical construction field more closely and experience first hand the scope of work, the challenges and the opportunities in this important area of the construction industry. The students participate in various activities including invited talks by contractors, field trips, conferences and an annual green energy challenge competition.
National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS)
Minority architecture students and professionals get together to address needs and concerns. For more information, contact the Department of Architecture.
Sigma Lambda Alpha
This is an honorary fraternity open to third-year landscape architecture students with a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.2 on a 4.0 scale. For more information, contact the Department of Landscape Architecture.
Sigma Lambda Chi (Honorary)
Sigma Lambda Chi (SLC) is an international construction honor society. SLC membership is open only to select construction management majors each semester and recognizes students for their academic accomplishments as construction majors.
Student Planning Association (SPA)
Urban planning students have organized this group to promote planning issues among themselves and surrounding communities.
Ball State has hundreds of student organizations. Find something that’s just right for you.
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