Join us for our next Job Fair
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Noon to 4:00 p.m. in the Worthen Arena
Imagine more than 85 potential employers from the best firms from across the country in one place, all eager to talk with you about job and internship opportunities. That’s the scene at our annual job and internship fair each spring in the Worthen Arena Concourse. For all CAP students, this multi-discipline fair includes a mix of firms and potential employers from architecture, construction management, historic preservation, interior design, landscape architecture, and urban planning.

Our nationally-recognized programs produce students and graduates ready to dive into any position with confidence and expertise. To participate in the Job and Internship Fair, please see below for the registration link. for more information, contact Nina Davis at Meet our hard-working and accomplished students to learn how they can make a difference at your firm.
Register for Job and Internship Fair
Post job and internship opportunities for Ball State students and graduates anytime, for free through Ball State’s Cardinal Career Link.