Opportunities to Transfer to CCIM
Whether you are currently pursuing a specific Ivy Tech Community College partner program or enrolled in another program at a different institution, we’re excited to help you complete your bachelor’s degree with us.
We offer options you can only find at Ball State University. By completing the Associate of Fine Arts, Associate of General Studies, or Associate of Science degree from Ivy Tech Community College, you have the choice to directly transfer to one of five majors in the College of Communication, Information, and Media. Each requires only 60 additional hours and can be completed in as little as four semesters. All of our majors offer guaranteed admission to qualified transfer students.
If you’re currently studying at another two-year or four-year school, Ball State’s College of Communication, Information, and Media offers many transfer opportunities. Programs in Communication Studies, Journalism, Media, Strategic Communication: Advertising, and Strategic Communication: Public Relations can be completed from start to finish in four semesters. In many instances, core curriculum courses taken at other schools can be easily transferred. Ball State’s professional advisors in each program will gladly work with you to determine how your courses can transfer and create a quick and efficient path to completing your bachelor’s degree.
Our Faculty
"My own academic journey started at a community college. I personally relate with our transfer students and appreciate the value transfer students add to the College of Communication, Information, and Media. Because of their previous academic experiences at other schools and unique backgrounds, our transfer students bring a level of commitment and diversity that improves the experience for all students and enriches our learning environment."
Johnny Sparks, Director of the School of Journalism and Strategic Communication.
Nearly all program areas in the Department of Media are now available to transfer students on a two-year plan. In addition to Film and Media Studies, we can include the following areas: Production (production and Esports production), Media Promotion and Management, and Multimedia and Broadcast Storytelling. Students interested in Sports production (SportsLink) must apply for admission. Space is limited within this program area.
Your Student Experience
Learn more about our student organizations, internships, immersive learning experiences, and student testimonials through our blog, CCIM Digest.
Visit Us
We invite you to learn more about your Ball State and College of Communication, Information, and Media options. By planning a visit with us, you have the opportunity to hear about wide-ranging Ball State University offerings in and out-of-the-classroom, take an insightful campus tour, and personally meet with a CCIM representative. Schedule your visit today!
One application and your transcripts are all you need to submit to be considered for admission to Ball State University, College of Communication, Information, and Media, and your preferred major! Apply now!
We’re Here to Help You!
Dedicated staff members are ready to assist you with all aspects of your transfer experience!
For questions about the transfer admission process or credit transferability:
Email: transfer@bsu.edu | Phone: 765-285-5604
For general questions about CCIM academic programs:
Melanie Turner, Communication Studies, Computer and Information Technology
Mackenzie Wenger, Journalism, Strategic Communications
Amanda Lee, Media