A minor in criminal justice will help you understand the American criminal justice system, the philosophies and practices of various correctional programs, and the techniques and theories of law enforcement—valuable information for any social scientist or legal professional.
What You Will Learn
In addition to mastering the theories behind criminal justice and applying them to the real world, a minor in criminal justice offers you the chance to understand such topics as:
- juvenile justice and delinquency
- race, ethics, and gender issues in criminal justice
- victimology
- decision making and ethics in criminal justice
Good Majors for this Minor
This minor can significantly boost your career, particularly if you’re majoring in areas such as:
Minor Requirements
A minor in criminal justice consists of 21 credit hours with emphasis on understanding the fundamentals of the American criminal justice system, criminology, policing, corrections, and the courts.
For a complete list of all courses and their descriptions, please see our Course Catalog.
View Catalog
How to Enroll
Are you interested in this minor? To enroll, please visit our department’s main office in North Quad Building, room 278 and pick up an application.