Affiliate Sponsored BSU Research Projects (> $650,000)

Researcher: Assistant Professor Huseyin Ergin

"Integrating Modeling to Increase Abstraction in the Code," In collaboration with Beulah Works, LLC (Valporaiso, Indiana), $49,828. (May 7, 2018 - May 6, 2019).

Researcher: Professor Paul Gestwicki

"A Cybersecurity Education Game," $25,453. (April 1, 2015 - July 31, 2016).

Related Refereed Publications

Gestwicki, Paul V. / BSU faculty, Stumbaugh, Kaleb / BSU student (2015). Observations and Opportunities in Cybersecurity Education Game DesignProceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computer Games (pp. 7).

Researcher: Associate Professor Lan Lin

"Software Science: How Far Could Mathematics and Rigor Take Us?," In collaboration with Air Force Research Laboratory, $38,826. (May 14, 2018 - June 15, 2019).

"Quantifying Software Quality through Rigorous Testing and Test Automation: From Theory to Practice," In collaboration with Ontario Systems (Muncie, Indiana), $30,000. (November 1, 2016 - October 31, 2017).

"Towards Scalable Modeling for Rigorous Software Specification and Testing," In collaboration with Rockwell Collins, Air Force Research Laboratory, and Ontario Systems (Muncie, Indiana), $50,000. (November 1, 2014 - October 30, 2015).

"Combining rigorous specification and testing methodologies to achieve high quality assurance,"  In collaboration with Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin, $46,836. (January 2013 - December 2013).

Related Refereed Publications

Xue, Yufeng / BSU student, Lin, Lan / BSU faculty, Sun, Xin / BSU faculty, Song, Fengguang / IUPUI faculty (2018). On A Simpler and Faster Derivation of Single Use Reliability Mean and Variance for Model-Based Statistical Testing. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2018) (pp. 635-640).

Xue, Yufeng / BSU student, Lin, Lan / BSU faculty, Tucker, John C. / Ontario Systems, Hammons, Becky / Ontario Systems, Wolfe, Michael / Ontario Systems (2017). Improving test adequacy and software reliability with practices of statistical testing. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Reliability Systems Engineering (CIRSE 2017).

Lin, Lan / BSU faculty, Xue, Yufeng / BSU student, Song, Fengguang/ IUPUI faculty (2017). A simpler and more direct derivation of system reliability using Markov chain usage models. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2017) (pp. 462-466).

Lin, Lan / BSU faculty, Xue, Yufeng / BSU student (2016). Merging software specifications focusing on different system boundaries. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (pp. 44-50).

Lin, Lan / BSU faculty, He, Jia / BSU student, Xue, Yufeng / BSU student (2015). An automated testing framework for statistical testing of GUI applications (pp. 72-79). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE).

Lin, Lan / BSU faculty, He, Jia / BSU student, / Zhang, Y., Song, Fengguang / IUPUI faculty (2015). Quality assurance through rigorous software specification and testing: A case study (vol. 62, pp. 257-265). Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Soft Computing and Software Engineering (SCSE), Procedia Computer Science / Elsevier.

Lin, Lan / BSU faculty, He, Jia / BSU student, Song, Fengguang / IUPUI (2014). Usage modeling through sequence enumeration for automated statistical testing of a GUI application (pp. 82-85). Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS).

Voting Systems Technical Oversight Project (VSTOP)

VSTOP is funded by the Indiana Secretary of State's Office to oversee voting machine technology and deployment across the state of Indiana. They help ensure that voting machines used comply with Indiana laws and that counties receive the needed technical information to operate them properly. VSTOP works directly both with the Secretary of State and the Indiana Election Commission.

VSTOP is co-directed by Jay Bagga of the Department of Computer Science and Bryan Byers of the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology. VSTOP is housed in the Bowen Center for Public Affairs which is affiliated with the Department of Political Science. For more information, see the VSTOP page on the Bowen Center's website.

External Funding (> $3 million)

Bagga, Kunwarjay S., Byers, Bryan D., Taylor, Charles David, "Voting System Technical Oversight Program," Sponsored by Indiana Secretary of State, $1,190,000. (July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2019).

Bagga, Jay S (Co-Principal), Losco, Joe (Principal), "Voting Systems Technical Oversight Program," Sponsored by Indiana Secretary of State, $1,190,000. (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2017).

Bagga, Kunwarjay S. (Co-Principal), "Voting Systems Technical Oversight Program," Sponsored by State of Indiana,  $500,000. (July 2013 - June 2015).

Bagga, Kunwarjay S. (Co-Principal), "Pre-election Logic and Accuracy Testing & Post Election Audit Initiative," Sponsored by U. S. Election Assistance Commission, $143,074. (January 2012 - April 2013).