A graduate minor in Counseling will introduce you to the counseling field and provide you with hands-on counseling micro-skills that are useful in careers requiring you to work with people. The minor is not sufficient to prepare students for counseling licensure.
What You Will Learn
The graduate minor in Counseling may focus on either clinical mental health or rehabilitation counseling. The minor is designed to:
- prepare you for jobs that require contact with people
- help you improve your understanding of the principles and dynamics of human interaction
- provide you with specific knowledge that is applicable for working with those who have developmental, physical, or mental health concerns; and improve your listening, empathy, and conflict resolution skills
Program Requirements
Admission to the program requires having completed 15 hours of undergraduate courses in psychology or counseling with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, or be granted permission from the chair for the Department of Counseling Psychology, Social Psychology, and Counseling. The following graduate courses are required in the minor:
- CPSY 605 Introduction to Clinical Mental Health Counseling (3)
OR CPSY 603 Introduction to Rehabilitation Counseling (3)
- CPSY 606 Pre-Practicum (3) with a grade of B or higher and passing an ethics exam covering the American Counseling Association’s ethics code
- CPSY 621 Theories and Techniques of Counseling (3)
- CPSY 688 Process and Techniques of Group Counseling (3)
- CPSY 644 Practicum in Counseling (3) with a grade of B or higher
View Catalog
Application Materials
Students must submit the graduate minor application, copy of undergraduate transcript(s) showing relevant psychology/counseling coursework, and one letter of recommendation. Recommendation letters used for admittance to the student’s current graduate major can be submitted to fulfill this requirement. Students may not enroll in CPSY courses until after they have been approved for the minor.
Contact our admissions coordinator at cpsy@bsu.edu for more information.