We offer several activities outside the classroom to our students, giving you the chance to learn more about your major and get to know your classmates.
You can join a student organization, be involved with community-engaged learning, and have a practicum or student teaching experience somewhere else in the world. Apply for Departmental Honors to demonstrate exceptional achievement in your program.
In Fall 2019, a group of our students and faculty partnered with Muncie residents so they could create listening centers at a child care center as part of an immersive learning project.
Professional groups and honorary fraternities are a great way to connect with colleagues and exchange ideas. Find a group.
Preparing community-engaged teachers is a key to educational equity for all children. Through programs such as Schools Within the Context of Community, Mathematics in Cultural Context, or Camp Adventure, you’ll gain experience working directly with children and families while making an important, lasting impact on our community. Learn more.
Consider taking advantage of opportunities to participate in practicum and student teaching opportunities near and far. Though most applicable to our early childhood education majors, others interested in educating children and families might also be able to take advantage of such opportunities. Learn more.
Departmental honors demonstrate your exceptional achievement in your program. The designation appears on your university transcript and is noted in the commencement program and departmental records. You do not need to be enrolled in the Honors College to enroll in departmental honors. Learn more.