Beneficence statue

You can support our scholarships and other activities by making a gift online to our department through the Ball State University Foundation.

Follow this procedure:

  1. Select English Department from the dropdown menu to give to the general fund.
  2. To give to one of the funds listed below, select "Other" from the dropdown menu and enter the fund number and name.
  3. Select the amount you would like to give.
  4. Click the "Give by Card" button.

English Funds

To support applied or theoretical research in any major area of study in the Department of English. Any MA or PhD in English eligible. Fund uses ex.: travel, books, photocopying, equipment, software.

Support for applied and theoretical research in rhetoric and composition, can include travel, books, equipment, software, photocopying. Any rhetoric and composition MA or PhD candidates eligible.

Undergraduate, recognition of artistic excellence writing poetry, major/minor English GPA 3.0 of 4.0 scale. Renewable.

Undergraduate English major, recognition of character, leadership, scholarship GPA 3.0.

To assist outstanding graduate students majoring in literature. Fund use ex.: tuition, books, research, travel. Minimum GPA is 3.0 on 4.0 scale.

English education, demonstrated experience or commitment to teaching. GPA 3.25 overall and 3.5 on 4.0 scale. Renewable maximum 3 years.

Student dedicated interest and major in creative writing, must demonstrate financial need. Renewable.

Students pursuing an undergraduate, master's, or doctoral degree in English.

Full-time student employed in Writing Center with at least one semester remaining. Award to tutor who has demonstrated patience, creativity, and commitment to student writers.

Student pursuing major in Department of English and approved for graduation.

Provides funds for English Department programs such as lectures, poetry readings, creative writing contest, achievement, and other special awards to students.

To support graduate student research projects, travel to professional meetings, and graduate student stipends. Fund may become endowed with a sufficient balance.

To provide funds for creative writing publications.

The purpose of the fund is to support the co-curricular activities of creative writing in the Department of English.

To create an endowment to support the creative writing program within the Department of English.

To provide funds for activities associated with creative writing in the community.