Leland Yarger
Leland Yarger
Senior Lecturer of Aquatics
Coordinator of Aquatics Program


Room:HP 360U

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Introduction to Aqua 190 1 1100 - 1215 T R HP, room 253
Aquatic Recreation A 212 1 0000 - 0000
Aquatic Recreation A 212 1 0900 - 1050 F LP, room 118
Aquatic Recreation A 212 1 0900 - 1350 F LP, room 118
Water Safety Instruc 315 1 0000 - 0000
Water Safety Instruc 315 1 1000 - 1150 M W LP, room 118
Intro to Health Cons 100 01 0930 - 1045 T R HP, room 253
AFA, (ACI) CPR / AED 250 1 0745 - 0915 T R HP, room 305