Jean-Charles Lebeau
Jean-Charles Lebeau
Assistant Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology and Coordinator of Sport and Exercise Psychology Graduate Program
Curriculum Vitae


Room:HP 324

Dr. Jean-Charles Lebeau is an Assistant Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology in the School of Kinesiology. Dr. Lebeau is originally from France where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Sport and a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology. After working as a certified psychologist and teaching psychology to coaches and athletes, he decided to move to the USA to complete his PhD in Sport and Exercise Psychology at Florida State University. His dissertation was investigating the effects of acute exercise on driving and executive functions in older adults. His research interests revolve around the relationship between exercise and cognitions, and more generally exercise motivation. He has also a general interest in perceptual-cognitive skills and expertise in sport. Dr. Lebeau has received over $100,000 in external grants to implement and test exercise interventions in the community. He also published articles in top-tier journals in the field, including Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Journal of Experimental Psychology, and International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.

Dr. Lebeau is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC) through the Association for Applied Sport Psychology. He has worked with athletes and coaches since 2010 at the youth, high school, and collegiate levels. As an athlete, he has raced motocross for 20 years in Europe, and he has been a circus performer during his time at Florida State University. He likes to integrate his athletic background with his consulting training in his work with athletes and performers.

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Research Methods (Th 611 1 1100 - 1215 M W HP, room 362
Research Paper 697 31 0000 - 0000
Intern in Sport Exer 600 1B 0000 - 0000
Psych-Social Process 644 1 1500 - 1750 W HP, room 362
Thesis 698 37 0000 - 0000