Do you enjoy analyzing economic risk and solving financial problems? Ball State offers one of the few graduate programs in the nation focused on actuarial science. You’ll build on a foundation of business and mathematics, tailoring your studies to your individual interests through electives.
The program includes coursework that prepares students for the professional examinations given by the Society of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuary Society.
Nationally Recognized
Ball State was a 2017 recipient of the Casualty Actuarial Society University Award.
What You Will Learn
In this program, you will enhance your education with advanced, graduate-level courses tailored to your specific interests in the field.
You will also master:
- critical thinking
- up-to-date technical background in your field
- problem-solving skills
- presentation, oral, and written communication skills
- confidence through competence
One of the few centers of its kind, our Center for Actuarial Science, Insurance, and Risk Management connects our students and helps them gain hands-on experience by working directly with real-world businesses. While our students learn, our business partners are able to benefit from our students' research and talents. Learn more.
Ball State is one of the few universities in the nation that offers a master’s degree in the actuarial science field.
Our actuarial curriculum is reviewed by a board of Ball State alumni who are practicing actuaries. They provide useful input regarding our actuarial curriculum, helping our department stay on the cutting edge of the profession.
In the mathematical sciences, all of the courses that actuarial science students take have small class sizes. This allows faculty members to get to know their students and be available for questions, mentoring, and the one-on-one attention students need to excel.
Our faculty members are enthusiastic about teaching, active in research, friendly, and student-oriented.
Most of them are Fellows, the highest professional actuarial designation, and have years of practical business world experience.
Our faculty members have participated on actuarial exam committees and will ensure that you are fully prepared to sit for professional exams given by the Society of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuary Society.
Many actuarial employers recruit at Ball State for summer interns and full-time employees.
When the time comes, you’ll have the advantage of interviewing on campus for internship and job opportunities.
Program Requirements
This program consists of 30-33 credits consisting of financial mathematics and probability course requirements, electives, and a research component that includes a thesis.
Students pursuing the thesis option must follow the departmental thesis guidelines.
For a complete list of all the courses you will take and their descriptions, please see our Graduate Catalog.
View Catalog
What Can You Do with a Degree in Actuarial Science?
Gamma Iota Sigma
Network with other students and professionals, find employment, and pass professional exams through our chapter of international fraternal organization Gamma Iota Sigma. Learn more.
A master’s degree in actuarial science can help you begin a successful career as an actuary, advance your existing career, or position you to teach at the postsecondary level. Actuaries work in many industries, including:
- banking and investment offices
- government
- insurance
- higher education
- consulting
Ready to Apply?
Are you interested in pursuing this degree? Then you will need to meet our admissions criteria and apply.
More Information
If you would like to learn more about this program or about Ball State’s Graduate School in general, please complete our online form to request more information. Or, if you’d like to speak with someone in our department directly by phone or email, please contact us.