Kimberly Inks
Kimberly Inks
Associate Professor Emerita of Music

Kimberly Inks joined the Ball State School of Music faculty in the Fall of 1996. She served as the Coordinator of Undergraduate Programs in Music, overseeing the curriculum of four major and nine minor degree programs. In addition, Dr. Inks served as the pre-K/elementary music education specialist and area coordinator for music education. She holds a Bachelor of Music Education (piano) degree from Heidelberg University and a Masters of Music and Ph.D. in Music Education from the University of Arizona in Tucson. Prior to coming to Ball State, Dr. Inks taught elementary general music and K – 12 choral music in the public schools of Ohio. She also served as the general music specialist on the faculty at Mississippi State University. In the Summer of 2002, Dr. Inks was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.

Dr. Inks has presented a number of sessions at state, national, and international music education conference venues, regional Orff Schulwerk workshops, and reading/literacy conferences in several states. Her presentation topics include: assessment, advocacy, arts education standards and policy, curriculum design, and learning theory.

Dr. Inks’ research interests involve active music listening strategies for the elementary setting, the reflection and writing process in the music classroom, and improvisatory activities for children. Her publications have appeared in Journal of Research in Music Education, Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, General Music Today, Music Educators Journal, and Teaching Music.

Dr. Inks has held state and national leadership roles in professional organizations such as the Music Educators National Conference (currently National Association for Music Education) where she served as National Chair for the Society for General Music, a member of the national editorial advisory board for Teaching Music, and as an appointed member of the Vision 20/20 commission. She has also served as a grant panelist for the National Endowment of the Arts. Dr. Inks is an active piano accompanist, curriculum consultant, and church musician.