Amelia Kaplan
Amelia Kaplan
Professor of Music Composition


Fax:(765) 285-5401

Room:MU 105C

Dr. Kaplan comes to Ball State University from Oberlin Conservatory of Music where she taught music composition from 2004-2008. She has also taught at Columbia College of Chicago, Roosevelt University, and the University of Chicago. Dr. Kaplan holds a bachelor's degree in physics from Princeton, graduate degrees in music from the University of Chicago (master's degrees in Music History & Theory and in Composition; PhD in Music Composition), and has also studied composition in Italy and in France with leading composers.

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Large Instrumental E 140 1E 0900 - 1050 M W MI, room 152
New Music Ensemble 366 1 0900 - 1050 M W MI, room 152
Large Instrumental E 540 2E 0900 - 1050 M W MI, room 152
Music Theory 212 1 0800 - 0850 M W F MU, room 313
Applied Composition 432 1 0000 - 0000
Applied Composition 432 1 1600 - 1650 W MI, room 223A
Composition 628 1 0000 - 0000
Composition 629 1 0000 - 0000
Composition 729 1 0000 - 0000