The Ball State University School of Music, located in Muncie, Indiana, is comprised of nearly 500 students and over 70 full-time faculty members. It offers music degrees at the undergraduate and graduate levels and is known for its wide and varied programs as well as national leadership in music education.
Application for Admission
- The deadline to register for a virtual (Zoom or Skype) or video audition is January 15, 2022.
- Upon submitting the audition form, applicants will be notified of additional steps required to complete the Ball State application.
- Dr. Yu-Fang Chen will contact applicants who wish to take a virtual (Zoom or Skype) audition by January 22, 2022, to schedule a date and time.
- Applicants who wish to submit a video audition will be given instructions for mailing and/or uploading audition materials.
Complete the Form
Step 2: Audition for the School of Music
Virtual Audition Date and Time: by appointment with Dr. Yu-Fang Chen.
- Audition Location: a venue that students see as appropriate for the best sound and visual effects for a virtual or video audition.
Audition Repertoire Requirements:
*All applicants (except singers) may choose to perform with or without a collaborative pianist.
Scholarships and Assistantships
Undergraduate applicants will automatically be considered for music scholarships. These scholarships are based upon demonstrated musicianship, academic record, and ensemble needs in the School of Music.
Graduate students may apply for full and half assistantships in their area or in another area of the School of Music. Assistantships include remission of the major part of tuition and fees. Graduate assistantship recipients are still required to pay about $1,500 each semester for remaining tuition costs and several university fees. Recipients also receive an annual stipend as follows:
- Master’s — $7,000
- Artist Diploma — $7,100
- Doctoral — $12,000
Learn more about scholarships and assistantships.