Gain professional experience and express your creativity through one or more of our dynamic, award-winning student media; connect with like-minded students, network with professionals; and engage in meaningful professional development and service through one of our school’s student organizations. 

Daily News Logo

The Ball State Daily News

Break campus news and dig into issues relevant to the Ball State community as a member the Ball State Daily News, one of the nation’s top student newspapers. The staff practices a digital-first approach in its coverage of campus and breaking Muncie news, Cardinals sports, features, and opinions. Paid and unpaid positions are available in reporting, editing, design, video, photography, and more. Learn more.

Ball Bearings Logo

Ball Bearings Magazine

Join one of the nation’s top collegiate magazines, which is published in print two times annually, plus online versions updated weekly with multimedia stories. Ball Bearings has received more than 50 awards in the last two years from the Society of Professional Journalists and others. Learn more.

Byte Logo


Explore and critique your passions through Byte, a student-run, interactive site that features news, reviews, long-form journalism, videos, and podcasts about topics that range from anime and gaming to music and videos. Learn more.

News Link Logo

NewsLink Indiana

Student anchors, reporters, writers, and producers collaborate to air live, 30-minute newscasts that broadcast throughout Delaware County four evenings per week. NewsLink covers local news, national news, entertainment, weather and sports. Learn more.  


WCRD-FM (91.3)

Interested in radio? Join WCRD (91.3 FM), the second largest student activity at Ball State (only the marching band outnumbers us). Students run the radio station, which airs 24-hours a day, 365 days a year, and operates independently of Indiana Public Radio. The “voice of Ball State” covers Ball State and local high school sports, produces feature and news stories, plays music, and reviews area bands. Learn more.


McKinley Avenue Agency Logo

The McKinley Avenue Agency

The McKinley Avenue Agency is a strategic communication and media sales agency, under the guidance of a professional adviser. The agency strives to empower local businesses and for students to develop a professional-grade portfolio. Through a variety of creative and strategic tactics, the agency can provide clients with innovative, original solutions. Cardinal Communications at The McKinley Agency is the public relations division of the agency and is located in Holden Center for Strategic Communications.

American Advertising Federation LogoAmerican Advertising Federation

Explore potential advertising careers, network with industry professionals, and hone your interests and skills through membership in the only organization that includes members across all disciplines and career levels in advertising. Learn more.

Journalism Education Association LogoJournalism Education Association

Ball State founded the first student chapter of the Journalism Education Association (JEA), which continues to lead the promotion of professionalism and excellence in the field of journalism education. Learn more.

Kappa Tau Alpha

Kappa Tau Alpha National Honor Society

Students in the top 10 percent of their class (with a minimum of 3.5 GPA) are invited to join this honor society that recognizes academic excellence and promotes scholarship in journalism and mass communications. Learn more

National Association of Black Journalists logoNational Association of Black Journalists

Our chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists provides support and networking opportunities for African-American journalism professionals and students. Members must have a major or minor in the School of Journalism and Strategic Communication or Department of Media. All student majors and minors, regardless of race, sex, color, or ethnicity, are invited to join. Learn more.

National Association of Hispanic JournalistsNational Association of Hispanic Journalists

The National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) is a national network of professionals and students dedicated to the recognition and professional advancement of Hispanics in the news industry, while providing a national voice and unified vision for all Hispanic journalists. All students regardless of race, sex, color, or ethnicity are invited to join.

National Press Photographers Association LogoNational Press Photographers Association

The Ball State chapter of the National Press Photographers Association honors contributors to photojournalism at the university and provides a forum for the exchange of ideas prompted by guest speakers, field trips, conferences, and more. Learn more.

Online News AssociationOnline News Association

The Online News Association is the world's largest digital journalism association. Membership includes journalists, technologists, executives, students, educators and other digital media professionals. ONA's mission is to inspire and support innovation and excellence in digital journalism.

Public Relations Student Society of America LogoPublic Relations Student Society of America

As a member of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), you’ll develop relationships and engage in professional development alongside PR professionals and other students interested in the field. Learn more.

Society for News Design LogoSociety for News Design

The Society for News Design provides you with experiences and resources that will help you succeed in the professional and educational worlds of media design and journalism graphics. Learn more.

Society of Professional Journalists

The Society of Professional Journalists is the nation's most broad-based journalism organization, dedicated to encouraging the free practice of journalism and stimulating high standards of ethical behavior.