Start at our iconic Beneficence statue and explore all that our engaging campus has to offer here in Muncie, Indiana. You can take a student-narrated virtual tour of our academic buildings, residence halls, recreational facilities, favorite landmarks, and much more!
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The best way to get a true feel for Ball State is to spend some time with us. Check out all of our on-campus and virtual visit opportunities to see if our innovative, vibrant, and supportive learning community is the right fit for you.
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Applying for admission to Ball State is easy, and our status as a test-optional school means you'll get to choose whether to provide your SAT or ACT scores to us for consideration.
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Choose from about 120 majors and 130 minors in seven academic colleges.

Learn about our housing, dining, student activities, culture, and resources.

See videos and walk-throughs of our residence halls and living-learning communities.

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