Start: March 29, 2024 7:30 p.m.
End: March 29, 2024 9 p.m.
Location: Strother Studio Theatre

All events in the 2024 New Works Festival are free and open to the public. All performances are in Strother Theatre unless otherwise noted.

Puck in Places He Shouldn't Be by Kade Wereley-Bross
Every play follows a script, so that the show goes the same every night. That is until Puck decides that he is bored. Why should he have to sit around backstage and wait when he could be out traveling the world. So, join him as he steps off of his page and into everyone else’s. Puck In Places He Shouldn’t Be combines a love of classical Shakespeare with more experimental theatre that will have you not only agreeing with Puck on the ridiculousness of the Bard, but giving your own two cents as well.

To view our full schedule of events, visit our season listing page.