Welcome to the Amelia T. Wood Health Center
Appointments are necessary to see both healthcare providers and nursing staff at the Main Health Center Clinic.
Scheduling an Appointment
1. Please call the Health Center at 765-285-8431.
2. Please tell the office staff why you need to be seen.
3. Staff may ask some additional questions which will help us be sure to schedule you for the appropriate amount of time and with the appropriate staff.
4. Your appointment will be to address one health concern. This will help us stay on time for our other scheduled appointments. If you have additional concerns to discuss, you will be given another appointment.
5. Appointments are typically made for the same day or the next business day. Please call for an appointment as early as possible in the morning on the day you want to be seen.
6. If you are under 18 years of age, you cannot be seen without a signed consent from your parent/guardian. Please have your parent/guardian complete both of the forms below and submit them to the Health Center via fax or email.
General Consent Form
Consent for Preferred Communications
Getting to Your Appointment
1. Please arrive 15 minutes early for your appointment in order to complete paperwork and consents.
2. Check in on the kiosk first.
3. Next, our office staff will call you to the front desk for registration into our electronic medical record.
Late and No-Show Policy
1. Students who come to the Health Center past the start time of their appointment may be rescheduled.
2. Students who do not call and cancel their appointment will be charged a $25 fee that will be billed to their Ball State University Student Financial Services E-bill account. You must call at least 24 hours prior to your appointment time. This will allow us to offer the appointment slot to another student who needs to be evaluated.
1. A valid BSU ID and other official picture ID (such as a driver’s license).
2. A list of your medications, including dosage.
3. Information regarding any hospitalizations, surgeries or chronic medical conditions
4. Your medical health insurance card or a copy of the front and back of the card.
5. A method of payment for any possible charges.
1. The IUHealth lab can bill insurance for any laboratory testing that is sent from the Health Center
2. However, it is your responsibility to see if IUHealth lab is in-network with your insurance.
3. If IUHealth lab is not in-network, your cost may be substantially higher.
4. Only your insurance can tell you if the cost of lab testing will be covered.
5. Please call your insurance company via the number on the back of your card to check on your coverage before you choose to have labs billed to your insurance.
6. If you do not have insurance, please let us know at the time of your visit.
1. The Health Center does not bill any insurance for costs of services provided at the time of a visit.
2. There may be out-of-pocket costs during a visit at the Health Center that is not covered by the Health Fee.
3. If you want to have any services billed to your insurance, we recommend that you contact your insurance company. They will be able to direct you to a local primary care provider in your insurance network with whom you can establish as a new patient.
4. Otherwise, cost of services provided at the Health Center must be paid at the time of the visit by either using a credit/debit card or by placing the charge on your Ball State University Student Financial Services E-bill account to be paid later.