Topic: College of Sciences and Humanities
June 9, 2010
Jarka Popovicova, assistant professor of natural resources and environmental management (NREM), is the 2010 recipient of the Lawhead Award for Teaching in the University Core Curriculum.
The Lawhead Award is presented annually to a member of the Ball State faculty and is based on teaching evaluations, contribution to the core curriculum, freshman activities, service to the community and support letters from faculty and students.
The award was established courtesy of gifts from Victor Lawhead, former dean of Ball State's undergraduate programs, and his wife, Doris Lawhead, a former academic advisor.
Popovicova teaches Environment and Society, part of the University Core Curriculum and Water Resources, which has been approved as a Tier 2 course in the new University Core Curriculum. She said teaching students from various majors is her opportunity to teach them something different and valuable.
"Receiving this award gives me a feeling and knowledge that I am doing something right and that I am giving something useful and positive to my students," Popovicova said.
Popovicova was pleased and surprised to win the award. "When I received the letter telling me about the award I literally stopped in my tracks."
Popovicova also said the Lawhead Award is important because it motivates and, eventually, rewards professors who care about teaching and who want to provide the best learning experience for their students.
By Chanel Richards