Topic: College of Fine Arts
October 14, 2014

"The Crucible" main characters Abigail Williams and farmer John Proctor
"The Crucible," a clever and chilling parable about a town controlled by the power of persecution and false accusations, will open at Ball State University at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 24 in University Theatre. The production also will be performed at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 25 and Oct. 28-Nov. 1, with a matinee performance at 2:30 p.m. Oct. 26.
"'The Crucible' is a great play that will continue to be relevant for many years because throughout history, people have looked in the mirror and asked themselves, ‘Do I have the strength to disagree, to dissent, to tell the truth, to stand up for what I believe in—at work, in my family, in my church, in my community—even if it means alienation, persecution, incarceration, even death?’" said Associate Professor of Theater Eva Patton, the show’s director. “I want people to watch ‘The Crucible’ and believe this could be any town in America, where fear is used by those in power as a tool of control and manipulation.”
Depicted from the 1692 Salem witch trials, “The Crucible” was first performed in 1953 and tells the story of a young woman, Abigail Williams, who tries to convince the strict Puritan elders of her town that she and her friends have been possessed by the devil. The parable addresses suspenseful issues of revenge, trickery and lies.
“One unique aspect that makes our production of ‘The Crucible’ different from other productions is the design. The show is usually set in 1692, but our production uses costumes from the 1930s,” Patton said. "I feel that putting the characters in clothes closer to us, historically, might allow the audience to see the piece through a fresh lens."
Tickets for "The Crucible" cost $15 for the general public, $14 for faculty and staff, $12 for senior citizens and $10 for students. They are available from the University Theatre Box Office, open from noon to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Contact the box office at 765-285-8749 or visit for more information.