Topic: Board of Trustees
December 12, 2014
The Ball State University Board of Trustees Chair Rick Hall today expressed satisfaction in today’s board actions approving room and board rates for the 2015-16 academic year, as well as the financial report and biennium budget proposal.
“Ball State University continues its commitment to providing high-quality academic and student life experiences while controlling costs in the best interests of our students, especially Indiana students,” Hall said.
Ball State students enjoy high-quality housing and dining at competitive rates that rank among the lowest in their peer group. These amenities are expected in today’s competitive marketplace, said Kay Bales, vice president for student affairs. The increasing number of upperclassmen who decide to live on campus, data from various student surveys, and comments from prospective students and their parents demonstrate that Ball State’s up-to-date housing and dining options are key to attracting and retaining students.
Returning students who chose the premium plan will see no increase in their room and board rates, said Bernie Hannon, associate vice president for business affairs and assistant treasurer. New students will pay a rate that is 4.5 percent higher than the current rate. Based on historical trends in returning students, the average overall increase will be 3.5 percent for all students.
“The residence halls and dining services are self-supporting, and rates are established to cover operating costs as well as renewal and replacement costs,” Hannon said. “The university has emphasized renewal of these facilities in recent years in response to student feedback and to remain competitive in the marketplace.”
Recent additions include Thomas J. Kinghorn Hall, Park Hall, Jamba Juice, Quiznos and Tom John Food Shop. Renovations include DeHority Complex, Woodworth Commons, the Student Center Tally Food Court, Noyer Center Dining and Studebaker East Complex. Currently, Johnson Complex A is undergoing an extensive renovation.
The board also reviewed the state budget submission. Julie Halbig, vice president for governmental relations, gave a presentation that detailed the Indiana Commission for Higher Education’s funding recommendations, projected available state funds and the recommendations for Ball State. Budget hearings will begin in January and must be completed by April 29, she said.
University President Paul W. Ferguson presented Ball State’s submission to the budget committee on Wednesday; he will return to the Statehouse during the upcoming legislative session to appear before the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Appropriations Committee with Ball State’s submission.
In other business, the board approved changes to the university’s investment policy that bring it line with current laws and processes. These changes, along with a revised internal audit and advisory services charter, revised job description for the department’s director and other items related to the organization and operation of that department, were discussed in the last trustees’ meeting.
As part of the revisions, the board approved an amended whistleblower policy, which now includes the option of reporting suspected violations to a non-university outlet, EthicsPoint. This option is available around the clock, every day of the year, via phone or Internet. Employees will soon receive details about contacting EthicsPoint, along with a copy of the revised policy.
In addition, the board approved the naming of the John S. and Beverly L. (Hoover) Johnson Executive Seminar Room in Teachers College. The Johnsons have a combined 76 years of service as teachers and have been outstanding supporters of the university.