May 17, 2016
The Ball State community mourns the passing of Ronald Venderly, alumnus and benefactor of the university, who died May 12 at age 87 in his hometown of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Venderly cared passionately about higher education, athletics and the arts.
May 12, 2016

Ball State’s Amanda Kedzierski plans to pursue a career in oceanic and atmospheric science. She recently won the Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
May 9, 2016

Nine organists from across the country will visit Ball State’s campus May 11-15 for the first Sursa American Organ Competition, an event helping celebrate the 10-year anniversary of David and Mary Jane Sursa’s gift of the concert hall organ that bears their name.
May 6, 2016

Trustees approve the general fund budget plan for 2016-17, allowing for increased scholarship funds, launching of new College of Health and rewarding meritorious employees.
May 6, 2016

Program places students in the heart of the startup world by stationing them in a co-working space for new companies.
May 4, 2016

The Cardinals football standout returned to campus to finish school.
April 30, 2016

Senior Anthony Marquez battled a torrent of difficulties before serving in the military. He is about to graduate summa cum laude.