Topic: College of Fine Arts
November 5, 2018

Department of Theatre and Dance acting and musical theatre majors rehearse "Stage Door" prior to opening on November 9. Pictured are Macey Arrington, Rachel Bachar, Maddie Land, Jenna Kirkeeng, Allie Charton, Megan Tiller, Christina Barnes, Grace Freese, and Carly Masterson.
The ambitions, disappointments, and obstacles of aspiring actresses will be on display during Ball State’s “Stage Door” mainstage production.
The adaptation of the four-time Oscar nominated movie will open at 7:30 p.m. November 9 at University Theatre. Additional shows are November 10 and 13-17 at 7:30 p.m. and November 11 at 2:30 p.m.
In the midst of the Great Depression, the Footlights Club houses a flock of hopeful actresses awaiting their chance for success. Terry Randall, a native of the Midwest, is searching for her big break on Broadway. Amid a whirl of romance and prosperity, Terry finds herself sacrificing security and serenity for a life in show business.
Directed by Bill Jenkins, chair of the Department of Theatre and Dance, “Stage Door” showcases the trials and tribulations of actresses pursuing entertainment, sprinkled with humor and fast-paced dialogue.
“There are a lot of fun and unique characters that I think both theater-lovers and their counterparts alike will love,” said Jenkins. “Its focus on female empowerment and its fantastic script really make it an enjoyable experience.
“It’s a great play to highlight how many things haven’t really changed all that much in terms of the challenges that women face in show business. It showcases how women have fought and continue to fight for the things that are important, and watching it come together is truly amazing.”
Tickets for “Stage Door” are available at the University Theatre Box Office, open from noon to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday or online. The cost is $18 for the general public and $15 for students, faculty, staff, and senior citizens. Contact the box office at 765-285-8749 or visit the Department of Theatre and Dance’s website for more information.
By Gabrielle Glass