We want you to be successful and achieve your educational goals while you are studying at Ball State. But we also understand that sometimes circumstances present obstacles and you may need to withdraw from all of your courses at Ball State.
Before You Begin
Are you registered for the current term and want to withdraw from all of your courses?
If so, please visit our office in the Student Center, Room 120 or contact us before changing anything with your class schedule. We need to discuss your options before you proceed.
The earlier you contact our office, the more help we can provide.
What to Consider
Should you find it necessary to withdraw from all classes, we will assist you with the paperwork and help you understand how your decision affects the following items.
You can find more information in the total withdrawal policy, including withdrawal after the automatic course withdrawal period because of extenuating circumstances. Read the policy (PDF).
You must withdraw from classes by the following days in the academic term to receive a grade of W in all of your classes:
- Fall and Spring semesters – 45th day
- Summer semester – 30th day
- single Summer session – 15th day
Extenuating Circumstances
If you have extenuating circumstances that make withdrawal necessary and academically justified after the automatic withdrawal period, our office may grant an exception to these policies. In these cases, each faculty member will be responsible for determining the grade you receive in each class.
How to Withdraw
You’ll need to complete and file an application for withdrawal available from our office in the Student Center, Room L20.
Depending on when you withdraw from classes, you may be eligible for a refund of a percentage of tuition and fees. The longer you wait to withdraw, the less money you will get back.
View Refund Schedule
The Student Financial Services office will initiate the refund process when you file your application for withdrawal. All refunds will first be applied to financial aid charge backs, when applicable, and then to any unpaid items on your eBill. Any credit remaining on the account after all unpaid items are paid will be processed within 30 days after receipt of the completed withdrawal form.
If you received financial aid, including student loans and/ or veteran's benefits to attend Ball State and you decide to withdraw from all classes, you may have to repay all or a portion of your awards. Please contact Cardinal Central to discuss your options prior to taking any action on your courses.
If you withdraw from classes, you are not eligible to remain in the residence halls or university apartments. You also will likely forfeit any deposits or other provisions in your housing contract.
You have a set number of days to move out after withdrawing from all of your classes, depending on where you live:
- residence hall – 48 hours
- university apartment – 30 days
In both cases, you will continue to incur rental charges until you have checked out following the proper procedures.
Contact Housing and Residence Life
If you have attended Ball State University for less than one semester (excluding summer), you must apply for re-enrollment to attend Ball State University.
You will need to complete a special application to Ball State through the Office of the Registrar.
Apply to Ball State
If the military has called you to active duty, the following applies to you.
If you are…
- called to active duty during the first half of a semester or term, you will be withdrawn from all classes and be granted a full refund
- called to active duty during the second half of the semester or term, you may withdraw and receive a full tuition refund (grades will be issued at the discretion of instructors) or you may request incompletes and, if granted, complete requirements when you return to your studies
- living in university housing, we will prorate rent or room and board until you terminate your contract, and we will waive cancellation charges
- receiving financial aid, you will be subject to the refund policies of the agency sponsoring the aid
- a graduate student, we will grant an extension of time for you to complete your degree requirements equivalent to your period of active duty (but not more than four years)
- a graduate or doctoral assistant eligible for fee adjustments and you are called to active duty after the first half of a semester or in the second summer term, you may count your employment period as being equivalent to a semester
- a graduate assistant called to active duty for more than 15 days, we will allow you to resume your assistantship the first full semester immediately following your return from active duty as long as you reenroll as a full-time student