Join your teaching peers during these faculty development offerings from the Division of Online and Strategic Learning.

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Current Offerings


March 20 and March 21, 2025
8:30 a.m. - Noon (Eastern), both days
Virtual via Zoom

Free and open to everyone at Ball State University. Hosted by the Division of Online and Strategic Learning.

About the Summit

The Teaching and Technology Summit showcases innovative work in teaching and its intersections with technology. Connect with colleagues and share creative ways to use technology to enhance teaching and learning.

The engaging and informal sessions at the Summit range from quick hits (5 minutes) to deeper dives (20 minutes), meaning you can fit them into your schedule.

Our keynote speakers are Jon Ippolito, the designer, architect, and engineer of Learning With AI, an online toolkit for teaching, and, Dr. Chin-Sook Pak, recipient of several awards for her teaching and scholarship focused on service learning of Spanish and Latinx access to higher education.



Enroll in the Course

Whether you’re new to accessibility or experienced at creating accessible learning experiences, this self-paced Canvas course will guide you through creating a course in the Canvas LMS that is accessible to all students.

This course includes written materials and short video presentations so that you can learn in your own way, at your own pace.

Core modules cover the basics of accessibility, including how it impacts your students, and the 8 steps to making a Canvas site accessible. Additional content covers topics such as cognitive accessibility, complex images, discipline-specific accessibility, and Universal Design for Learning.

You can also use this Canvas course as a reference resource when developing or revising a course. Handy tools such as a course index, further readings, and a PDF checklist will help you locate the information you need to make the biggest impact for your students.

Faculty who complete this self-paced course will be able to:

  • Identify core principles of accessibility
  • Design an accessible course using Canvas’s built-in tools
  • Use automated accessibility checkers in combination with manual checking to locate and fix accessibility issues in their course
  • Reflect on inclusive and accessible pedagogical interventions for their course

You can now access the new Beautiful Canvas Builder. This tool lets you easily create custom Canvas designs in just minutes


If you’re tired of bland Canvas content, this self-paced course is for you. This self-paced course is a collection of Canvas design elements that you can incorporate into your Canvas content.

In this self-paced course, you’ll also learn how to implement these design elements. You can pick and choose which elements to use, whether that’s adding a single button to your Canvas site or creating entire beautiful pages!

Enroll in the Course



Whether you are new to Canvas or desire a refresher, this 5-module self-paced course will demonstrate and encourage practice with the foundational tools available for designing and delivering your courses. Upon completion of the module assignments, participants will receive access to the BSU Canvas Foundations Badge.

Each module should take approximately 1-2 hours to complete, and participants are welcome to peruse the course in whatever order fits their needs. If you are not interested in the badge at this time, you can always reference the course for just-in-time Canvas support.

Technology Coaching and Teaching Consultation

Designed to address the unique needs of the individual instructor, consultations begin with a meeting to identify teaching issue/s, provide feedback, and work to find a solution. The consultation may also include class observations.

Contact us at to set up a consultation.

Request an Online Retreat

College or discipline-specific retreats and professional development days. Professionals from the Division of Online and Strategic Learning can facilitate an online retreat to help faculty address discipline-specific issues about student needs. This can be a one-day bootcamp in Canvas with select live-hour sessions.

Contact us at to set up a retreat or professional development day or to learn more about how we can help.

Faculty Testimonials

David Largent

Dave Largent, Associate Lecturer of Computer Science

"I’ve received lots of positive comments from learners the last couple of semesters. While I’d like to take full credit for them, I truly believe I would not have received the kudos were it not for things I’ve done after participating in a variety of DOSL’s professional development opportunities. Completing ACUE’s Certificate in Effective College Instruction (which I had access to through DOSL) had the biggest impact on my teaching. Close in impact was what I learned from DOSL’s Remote Teaching Bootcamp, their Faculty Learning Community on Remote Synchronous Learning, and  their Keeping Students Engaged During A Pandemic: 5 Day Certificate Course. DOSL provided me the opportunity to learn and grow. I just had to put forth the effort to do so—just like the learners in my courses."

Darolyn Jones

Lyn Jones, Assistant Teaching Professor of English

"I find DOSL's regular webinars to be a community building exercise.  I look forward to seeing and meeting with my colleagues to share and swap resources, learn of new methods to build community, engage with my students, and make my course work and Canvas delivery more 'student friendly'."