Here you will find important information on guidelines and policies you should familiarize yourself with during your time at Ball State.
In addition, there are several forms such as conflict of interest and the confidentiality agreement that you may need to fill out. We also have miscellaneous forms. These documents aren’t necessarily policies, but they are important if you plan to take a sabbatical, have tenure questions, or need information on department reviews.
Faculty and Professional Personnel Handbook
Policy Statements
As a professor at Ball State, there are several policies you should be knowledgeable about. One of those policies includes the pecuniary interest policy. The pecuniary policy gives disclosure to you if you have an interest in a contract or purchase through Ball State that will increase your income or net worth.
Other policies to be familiar with are the conflict of interest and conflicts of commitment policies. The conflict of interest policy provides guidance for recognizing and dealing with conflicts of interest. While the conflict of commitment policies are intended to help employees manage and balance either primary obligations to the university with valuable outside professional activities that have the potential to benefit the employee and promote the mission of the university. Colleges, departments, and other administrative units adopt additional policies and procedures dealing with the matter as well. The Office of Research Integrity oversees this process the forms are available on their webpage as well.
The confidentiality policy simply states and you will be responsible with all data you have access to. It also explains the tools that you should not use to disclose confidential information.
All other policies can be found in the handbook. However others you should be familiar with include:
- Policy for the evaluation of teaching
- Graduate faculty policy
- Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research
- Policy on grades
- Policy on Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships
- Equal opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy
- Anti-Nepotism
- Intellectual Property